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by gatda Corporation



Let me introduce you to the main minus services.✔ Direct disposal: Apply for mobile bulky waste disposal in just 1 minute at home· Now, purchase and apply for a large waste sticker in your neighborhood using your smartphone at home. The subtracted reservation number replaces the collection certificate for the area where I live.· Purchase a collection certificate as well as check the collection status of the large waste you have thrown away on the app. ✔ Free pickup of used goods: A new concept of free sharing that makes money· Dischargers are given the opportunity to dispose of bulky waste for free, and pickers (collectors) are connected to obtain the used items they want for free. ✔ Naerye Dream: Heavy and large-sized waste transportation agency by a proven minus partner· Compare quotes from companies, no more cash payments! The Down Dream service guarantees the lowest prices in the industry nationwide.· We promise to help you dispose of bulky waste more safely through three types of identity verification (PASS eKYC, sexual crime) when you sign up as a minus partner.· Service is available throughout the country, and same-day application/same-day delivery is also possible. ✔ Reporting household waste from construction sites (Seoul Metropolitan City Convention): One-stop simple discharge reporting of household waste from construction sites weighing less than 5 tons ✔ Dictionary of Subtraction: Encyclopedia of Correct Separation and Disposal· If you want to know how to properly separate and dispose of items, open the subtraction dictionary.· Just enter a search term to find the type of trash and how to dispose of it. ✔ Used goods sales: Bidding sales of home appliances and furniture that are too wasteful to throw away partners· Peugeot’s purchasing partners take responsibility for everything from quotation to collection. ✔ Clothing out your closet to make money· Now you can easily organize the old clothes in your closet for money. ✔ Clothing and book donation (Beautiful Store Agreement)· After making a beautiful donation, receive a donation receipt and receive income tax deduction benefits.Required access rightsThe access rights below are required to use the service smoothly, and you can use the app even if you do not agree to the optional access rights.✔ Camera: Used to take pictures of discarded items✔ Storage space: Used when attaching saved photos as imagesService Inquiry✔ Website: http://bbegi.com✔ Service Center: 1644-9560✔ Email: [email protected]✔ Kakao Talk Channel: http://pf.kakao.com/_ixdiqj